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Sophisticated, Affordable

Aluminum Windows in Louisiana

Aluminum windows provide the perfect balance of elegance and practicality. While steel windows offer a sophisticated aesthetic, they cost nearly double what a set of aluminum windows can. They also require field glazing and include length lead times, leading to an expensive investment. When you want the best of both worlds, consider aluminum windows from Superior Windows–Door & Millwork. To learn about the many advantages of aluminum windows for your Louisiana home, call us today or stop by our showroom and talk to one of our experienced staff. We’re happy to help provide you with the look you want while lowering your energy bills!

bright modern living room
Signature Design

Excellent Performance

We proudly promote Western Window Systems when it comes to aluminum windows for Lafayette, LA homes. Their signature design, across-the-board low U-value ratings, and low-E, argon-filled dual-page glass make them the premier choice for our clients. They prioritize thermally-broken simulated steel line for reducing energy consumption, saving you on your bills. Furthermore, an insulbar profile assists with increasing thermal performance and strength of the window itself. All of their products are NFRC-tested (National Fenestration Rating Council) to a design pressure rating of 50, which would withstand 55mph winds! Finally, Western Window Systems support laminated and security glass for noise duction and added safety.

aluminum windows close up
Maximize Light

What Makes Aluminum Windows Great?

Aluminum windows are specifically designed to maximize light through the use of narrow sightlines, coped muntin bars, and beveled glass stops. The narrow sightlines mean a smaller profile of aluminum, so you’re not looking at bulky and unsightly metal and instead get to take in the outside views. This timeless design ties your home together with a stunning motif of clean windows. Make a statement during night and day with these gorgeous window treatments without breaking the bank. They mix the sophistication and beauty of classic buildings such as universities, historical sites, and luxury homes with the affordability of everyday living and a quicker and easier installation process. By resembling a steel system without making you have to remortgage your home, you can get a great look with efficiency and value.

kitchen windows
Adapt to Your Home

Simple Integration

Another great reason to go with aluminum windows from SuperiorWindows–Door & Millwork is their ability to adapt to your home. Our design team can find a solution for you and your house that seamlessly integrates a new look without significant installation times or modifications. The high-performance glass works hand-in-hand with narrow and clean profiles of aluminum to perfectly fit your space. There are plenty of options for windows, including casements, awnings, and window walls. Your home’s windows can be a reflection of your sophisticated style. Let’s work together and find a solution that works for you and your home.

High-Quality Aluminum Windows

Expert Installation Specialists

Since 2012, we’ve been proud to provide Lafayette, LA, and the surrounding communities with high-quality aluminum window installations. Our staff has a combined experience of over 50 years in building material, giving us the advantage when it comes to knowledge and installation of windows on your home. Stop by today and talk to our helpful team about how you’d like to either redo the windows on your house or install new aluminum windows on a new build.


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